
I have downloaded a bunch of Kisekae Dolls from old ass websites and shifty foreign ones, and I can really dig it. The ancient art style and rudimentary design to the program gives me a good feeling, like most early internet stuff does. So using the KiSS dolls thing I managed to download a whole bunch of crude hentai, and its pretty entertaining to me. I have been training my bishamon a bit more lately, focusing on my LP LP LP IAI links and guard canceling/push blocking so I can put up more of a fight against the monsters that lurk the lobby. I also have been playing lots of Kings Field 2, and thats cool. On my first playthrough I missed the earth dungeon completely. I really dig dungeon crawling as a genre. I also have been messing around with Ehrgeiz and Tron Bonne, but to a lesser extent. I even found the Ehrgeiz Stratedgy Guide at a local used game shop, that blew my mind that there was even something related to Ehrgeiz there. They also had a copy but their's was missing the manual, so I didn't snag it. I want to get a copy of Rival schools, Street Fighter Ex2+, The Bouncer, Crimson tears, and some other sick ass ps1/ps2 games that I missed out on.


I started this website as a thought dump where whatever mildly interesting ideas or experiences I've had are documented here. The idea of dumping my thoughts into something has waned in interest for whatever reason, so it's been a while since last blog post. My conquest of Super Street Fighter II Turbo X has been coming along very slowly. I understand how to play a bit more and how to bait jumps and such, but my skill is at that level where I am put into situations where I can't think of a single way to get out of. Maybe I need to pick a different character, Guile is cool and all but the lack of being able to do a DP on command is hurting me pretty badly. Besides that nothing too interesting has happened in the last 18 days. I cannot beat Sodom in Final Fight to save my god damn life, and it's been pissing me off a bit. I dunno I guess I'm just bored. I played a set with on fightcade with a Urien that was an absolute blast, and since then every time I fought anyone it's been pretty damn boring. Read a bit of High Score Girl, the arcade-y stuff is good and the main character is relatable. Nothing going on besides these very mundane things.


I've not been up to much, I've been playing lots of games lately. Diablo 2 is one of those games, its a pretty good time waster and it always feels satisfying to do runs of dungeons for runes and such, I owned the game for a few years and never got past act 2, which is kinda sad. I'm gonna try and get over that hump this run through though. I play as a summoner type necromancer, its fun being a skeleton lord. I also have been playing Dragons Crown, which I had to get used to when it first came out. I thought it was gonna be a super sick beat-em-up instead of a rpg with beat-em-up type mechanics. After I realized that I found it much easier to enjoy the game and beat it with the Sorcerer. I've also recently got the ps1 classic Ehrgeiz, which was previously mentioned. Very fun and the Dungeon mode is a blast. I have been spending most of my time playing Super Street Fighter II Turbo X and thats alot of fun as well. I play as my homeboy GUILE because i saw a video called "Guile Wins part 7" where he does a sick ass combo to a sick ass beat and I was convinced. I am far from good at that game, but I understand the general flow better than my first couple matches. Its a weird transitition from Third Strike and Vampire Savior to something older like SF2. Still alot of fucking fun though, every win feels like I earned it by predicting enemy movements to a tee, so satisfying. Oh i also played and beat Space Funeral, which was really cool too. My only complaint is that it is much too short. The new Berserk anime is, okay. I expected it to look like garbage from what I saw from the teaser so it wasn't as jarring to me. It's okay, I just hope they manage to nail all the important parts and make it reasonably hype. Im gonna end this one now before sleep deprivation makes me ramble about either how lonely i am or the intricacies of life because nobody wants to hear that shit.


I'm bored. I need something new in my life. Preferably a game or band or something that is safe with my current interests. I watched all 3 of the Berserk movies in quick succession, they were pretty good but I feel like they left out too much for it to be a good first experience with the series. For a first experience I would reccommend the anime or just straight read the manga. Pretty good, I was into Berserk a few years ago and it waned after I thought about the plot of the series and realized it was kinda pointless and was just a series of violent situations. I rethought this and realized its more so a story revolving around the weakness and strength of humans as a whole, and looking at the series as such makes everything click for me. But thats a uber gay way to look at it, its just bloody knight fun, why put a message to it? I also watched an old EHRGEIZ tournament today, very interesting and I really like how the character Prince Naseem plays, I also really like the boxer of the same name. Pretty interesting, I didn't expect Tifa to be the best character in the game, kind of a shocker for some reason. I've been itching for a fight lately, got that murderious intent flowing through me, I probably should play some Savior or any other fast fighting game if this continues. I usually take about a week or so away from fighting games to give my brain time to relax and to think about the game more in depthly. Like the spacing needed for Bishamon's unblockable ES Karame Dama, or neat set ups for his delayed persue, or how to properly utilize his dash pressure, or simply practice his combos, that kind of stuff. The look of the movements in 3D fighting games fascinates me. The jukes and dodges are all very neat. I played every tekken up to 6 very casually, but it would be interesting to try and learn how to play a whole new dimension of fighting game. I've also been thinking about painting more warhammer mini's, just for fun though I have a hard time finding people willing to spend that kind of money on little plastic miniatures. The nature of how I fight is interesting to me, (which is a very narcissistic of me to say, but who is more important to yourself besides yourself?) mostly due to my lack of conscious thoughts during my fighting beyond simple things like "time to do that" or whatever, it's almost like a state of zen where I am thinking but also not. I guess I fight for the thrill of the fight, which 9 times out of 10 only satisfies me if i go 1 - 49 with some champion tourny player. One day I want to be able to go toe to toe with the best in the game, and fuck them up hard, then move on to the next game. One day. But is this path the correct one? Is this path the one for a good person? Am I wrong for following my desires, and they wrong in some way I am ignorant to? Is there any higher purpose to these desires and goals? Will they mean anything when much time has passed? Am I as a person incorrect for wanting these? Am I a bad person? I do not know the answer to any of these questions, and I probably never will, but I will continue to fight until I am the best. I promise you that (you being anyone but probably a weird creepy neocities browser reading this out of curiousity). I get very emotional when I listen to the Berserk soundtrack I am sorry.


lately i've been thinking alot about fight games as a genre, and what makes a good game and a bad game in it. Stuff like how mechanics reward different ways and what kind of effects that has on the game. I also have been thinking a lot on MGS2 and what it was doing and why it was doing it. I am planning on 100%ing that one too, like MGS3. Besides these two things not much really going on. I like that in MGS2 Raiden was the player up until jejunum and the gameplay changes drastically during those moments. I am gonna put commentary on that in its own seperate page called MGS2 along with one for MGS3 and DMC3, i really want to talk about what makes a good game a good game and why i like the ones that i do. Since i have alot of experience with MGS3 and DMC3 i feel very confident talking about them, along with SF3 Third strike, so maybe i should put that in there. I like video games. they are fun, but as a passion it feels sort of unproductive, cant really do anything with an extensive knowledge of what makes a game good and what doesnt. I love Morrigan Aensland so much i want her to be my mom. the navigation box to the left is bothering me, i should move it god dammit.


got every trophy in mgs3. Didn't take as long as dmc3, but still was pretty hard. I missed one kerotan and it took me 3 playthroughs to find it, Then had to get all the food items in the game so I didn't really get to experiment with the EZ gun or the stealth camo since I got them when I got the last trophy. Been feeling kinda shit lately, like my life is going down the gutter when it honestly hasnt yet. Ever so often I feel like a social reject or a complete and total loser but that doesn't last for so long. I don't connect with many people around me, and i think thats the reason why i feel this way. Getting sappy and emotional gets me feeling guilty for some reason, like im not suppose to or something. I dunno. Always had very few friends, if any at all. I haven't left the house for reasons that arn't school since september. I think I might go full Hikkikomori this summer, I am a god damn loser and i should start living like one. Making friends has made me forget this, I am deep down utter trash and I should have a life style appropriate for someone like that. Hitori Bocchi no yoru~~~~~~~~~


I've been playing lots of Savior lately. A damn lot. 10+ sessions of 30 minutes throughout the day. I want to be the best Bishamon there is, and destroy all those who face me, no matter who. Hearing people talk about their time and dedication to fighting games gets me very inspired. I've been having a hard time linking my LK's to my MP's while still canceling into my Iai Giri. It's pretty hard. Iai Giri is plus on block and thats weird. Besides that Felicia and Gallon have been giving me a hard time in the matches I have time dealing with their speed. I've been studying Nakanishi's playstyle and tactics and gonna try mimicing them in due time. Besides that I have gotten into Metal Gear Solid series again. Beat the first one, currently playing the second one, beat the third one 3 times in quick succession, and got me a calorie mate. All of this is fun.


I played Vampire Savior recently, played as Bishamon, pretty fun. I like his medium spacing and the one special where he chops you and you end up on a table if it ends the round. He feels very different than Morrigan, more aggressive in play style almost. I learned how to play him after a day of playing. His jumping MK > HK to c.MP > c.MK > c.HK does almost too much damage for a simple string (magic series?) of hits. Just need to learn the timing of the ES low slashes and I will be set. Besides that I read all of Getter Robo and bought the Revoltech Black Getter and the Chogokin Tamashii Getter 1. Very good figures. Been thinking about music lately after listening to some old school rap mixes and fatboy slim, makes me want to sample some reasonably obscure things and put them into a song, like part of a song from Akira or something. Gonna look into that. Nothing else going on in the life of squashbone.


Awhile back I got a new fightstick from a local pawn shop for 50 dollars. Used tournament edition for ps3, pretty sweet. The only downsides is the metal plate on the underside is fucking nasty and there was this red glue on all the screws inside. There was also a square grid on it even though the stick and buttons are new, so maybe they bought a new stick and had the idea to not buy another grid, or they were retarded. It doesn't work on pc unless you have a specific kind of pc port and thats pretty bullshit, so Im still using the alpha for my fightcade. If you see me around the Vampire Savior lobbies, say hi. Still around the same level of play as Morrigan, only real tricks I've learned are dashing in with LP > MP works pretty well and doing a jump in to dash is a good mix up. I've been feeling really super robo lately, gonna get to watching a bunch of shit soon. Y'know, like getter, mazinger, or G gundam. Not much else going on besides that, been thinking about boxing lately. Pretty cool I guess, might be time to catch up with ippo even though its like, 1000+ chapters. Its still the 90's too which is funny. The characters will pull out a vhs every now and then to make you remember. I have nothing else to say. OH I managed to complete my Very Hard DMC3 run and currently on Dante Must Die (DMD) and its really fun. The only thing I dont care for is the arrow shooting motherfuckers, and their devil trigger shit, it really bothers me but that just means I have to get better at the game. Video games are fun, not modern ones though oh my god.


Bought the Capcom CBF Creators Model Morrigan figure, pretty cool. Nothing really going on, my Very Hard DMC3 run is actually kinda difficult now, the first 18 missions were easy as hell. Arkham is destroying me every chance he gets, and Vergil is also pretty damn hard. I got to Vergil and forgot to save then exited out to the main menu, with the last save being a Mission 16 Clear save. That was pretty damn bad, but not as bad as when I saved over my all platinum Bayonetta run, I haven't touched the game since. I got a bit better at Savior, I can Cancel Darkness from a LP pretty easily now. The part that was messing me up was the forward part of the input, I would press LK HP before the actual Forward input went through. So if I really focus I can pump it out. I also have been watching Savior gameplay to get a better understanding of how the general flow of the game works, and also how low tier Morrigan really is. If I wanted to I could switch to someone else with the vertical type dash, but I'm one for character loyalty. But it gets disheartening to watch two different players lose 10 games in a row to a Q-Bee. For Third Strike it took me a couple thousand games to get confident, so I imagine the same number is required for Savior. Fighting games are a fucking investment, but at least they are fun.


So theres this figure I want, a Kinu Sawamura styled Morrigan from CVS2, right? right. The only problem being its *SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTHY DOLLARS*. GOD DAMN THATS TOO MUCH FUCKING MONEY. i could try and get a garage kit of it, but the purchase wont go through for some reason, pisses me off. Been playing as Morrigan in vampire savior, pretty fun, cant "cancel darkness" to save my fucking life though. I got nothing else to say. Why do I update this when nobody reads it? I guess it makes me feel like I'm talking to somebody who always listens to what I have to say. Sometimes I put myself out there and talk to new people but it never brings me happiness. A lonely existence is the only thing I can get I guess. THAT WAS GAY MY BAD THIS ISNT THE PLACE FOR THIS


I have fallen in love with Morrigan from darkstalkers. I just really like her design and her attitude about things. She is very fun to draw and I want a figure of her soon. Besides that my S rank run on DMC3 has been going smoothly for the most part, I can't seem to take a minimal amount of damage on mission 16, the blood bird things and the lady boss fight always take my damage down from A rank to C/D rank, which fucking sucks. My Vergil playthrough is also coming along pretty nicely, at first I didn't like him, but now I like him. Also watching a couple combo videos about DMC4SE and decided that its not the game being bad, its me being bad. I want it to just be more DMC3 and shouldn't play it as such, it needs to be played like its own game (which it is :o ). I also bench pressed my body weight for the first time, for 5 reps, feeling pretty good about that. Been listening to Josip On Deck's song "Tenkaichi Budokai", I like it because it samples alot of things Morrigan related. I am gonna go draw now, probably more Morrigan- OH THERES THIS ONE ARTIST NAMED ARK THAT DRAWS HER VERY GOOD I LIKE THEM ALOT (THEY CANT DRAW HANDS THOUGH) I USED THEIR PICTURES FOR A SECRET ON THIS WEBSITE THEY ARE VERY GOOD. But yeah, gonna go draw, see you later.


Accidentally deleted the original version of todays journal, I added a new secret to this website, go look for it! I'll give you a free one, the header is a link...


In the same air as my all platinum Bayonetta run (which I didn't take a picture of, sadly) I am going to do a S run on Devil May Cry 3. It's a completely different beast. Time, style, orbs, damage, and items used are all taken into account which makes it a lot harder than Bayonetta's damage, points, and items used. I keep finding myself grinding for style/orbs and losing too much time or taking a hit or two. Theres also the fact that instead of the "verses" system where every battle is graded on its own accord, DMC3 considers the entire level + bossfight as one big grade, adding to the difficulty. AND THEN THERES FUCKING BLOODY PALACE MODE THAT IS MORE OF A FUCKING TIME INVESTMENT THAN A CHALLENGE. Honestly though its a very fun game and I enjoy it a lot, I use trickster style because the advanced mobility is very fun to mess with. I use it too much, so I have a hard time adjusting to different styles, I want to get every achievement in the game so I gotta get used to all of them eventually.


Changed the format of my website, after learning how to CSS for the first time. Hopefully this will be more attractive to the viewer(s).


I am squashbone

2/23/2016 Noise rock, sadness, and anger.

I feel as if I forgot what I enjoyed in life. I've been pretty depressed lately, not too much happy thoughts for the past week. Been listening to some Midori and Shinsei Kamattechan, they are pretty okay. I think I'm gonna try to get back into fighting games, I feel kinda empty without them. Maybe Darkstalkers 3 on fightcade, might try Lei-Lei or Aulbath. This sulk in my life has lasted long enough, I'm gonna force it to stop, I don't got time for this dumb shit, being all mopey and shit, no time. I also need to remake some aspects of my website, I am taking a web design class and it taught me the right and proper way to do everything I was already doing. If things don't get better I'm gonna grab things by the collar and headbutt it over and over until it gets better.

Cyrrent mood: Frustrated and mad, but also aspiring

2/16/2016 Orks, mess room, and Orks

Not too much going on in the world of squashbone. I want to get some orks from my local games workshop soon, but they open on Wednesday so I gotta wait another day. I keep reading about how shitty they are on table top and how they are not very viable and it makes me sort of concerned. I usually don't go into games worrying about tiers but having a general consensus of your team being shit is pretty harsh. My room is looking pretty fucking messy, I gotta clean that up next time I get a chance. I snagged a "Ork warboss with squig" model from the Games workshop website when it was announced as a "last chance" thing, pretty excited about that seeing how it is no longer available, and I think we are gonna get models based on a rumor that we are gonna get new models and the painboy, warboss, and a couple other specific units are now out of stock, but thats probably just me being hopeful, gw aint gonna give the jobber army nothing good. I do hear that we are gonna get our very own white dwarf, so that will be nice if its not a bullshit rumor. Theres fungus growing in one of my cups in my room, I'm gonna clean this when I get back home from work. fuck that

Current mood: excited but impatient.

2/1/2016 MD3, fighting games in general, and more fighting games.

After watching Justing Wong play Magical Drop 3 I decided to give it a try. It is very fun and always gets my blood flowing when I play it. My main is Strength because she is cute. Her being top tier makes me feel very guilty though, but whatevs cant stress out too much. My internet has gotten pretty fucky and it constantly is in a state of disconnecting and reconnecting making all things fucking impossible. I've been doing some figure drawing with pretty decent results. My method to picking a model is choosing the most attractive ones. Besides this nothing new has been going on. After playing Darkstalkers 3 and Third Strike with my friend I realized that I almost don't really care about them anymore, in different ways. For Third Stike it feels like I have seen and done everything there is available. For Darkstalkers 3 it feels like all I am doing is pressing buttons in the order of c.LK c.MP c.MK c.H(anything). Alpha 3 on fightcade is also very fun but I gotta wait until my internet gets better to make it a constant thing. Karen is my Main on a3, her pseudo-rekka's and counter moves are pretty dope. The direction of SFV is very sexual and its making me very uncomfortable. It is just not as much of a thing in the past games so its kinda garring. I hope my internet gets better with time. I got a Kotobukiya Sakaki-san recently, very nice figure.

Current mood: wanting to play Magical Drop 3

1/20/2016 Chulip, Fightstick, and Guu

I've been having a pretty bad attitude lately, very sad and mad, so I've been trying to do more things I enjoy. Chulip is very fun and I've gotten a hang of the game finally. Using the police station for storage and understanding to look in the garbage for things to sell sped up my game amazingly. All I need to do is become the store manager and kiss more people. The art style for Chulip makes me feel very happy, it's like a childrens book almost. So far my favorite character is Dan Yamada. I should get back into street fighter, I have taken too large of a break lately and my friend just bought his fightstick so we should play soon. Stepmania is very fun but makes me want to murder someone. The hardest I've completed has been difficulty 10. Hale+Guu is a very fun show. Rozen maiden is also pretty fun. I want an Oujo-sama to step on me and belittle me, while saying "OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO". That is my dream goal.

Current Mood: A burning desire for MANY THINGS

1/7/2016 .swf Archive, lol internet, and Apps n' stuff.

My website looks pretty bare now that I look at it. Maybe I should actually learn how to use CSS for once instead of struggling to function. It's very cold right now, pretty refreshing. The roads are pretty slick though, which has caused some problems. Since my old computer broke I put off restarting my SWF archive. Essentially it was just a large folder with 200+ .swf files that were deemed worthy of keeping, most of which were jacked from pown.it. I'm scared the website is gonna go down soon and currently trying my best to preserve everything reasonably entertaining. The internet is a pretty cool place, you can see everything you want to and everything you didn't know you wanted to. It's a vast ocean of knowledge and it's always fun to find something new. I spent most of my adolescents on Newgrounds and I feel like it was a pretty decent place to grow up on. I gotta see a lot of porn and gore to the point where sick fascination is absent from my reaction to it. You gotta get through that point in life in my opinion, or else your gonna be a sick fuck in your later years which can lead to much more trouble.

Lots of people use the internet now with iphones and stuff and it's a bit concerning. People lose jobs over saying a controversial joke now, or a huge revolution will have it's own hashtag. For about 5 months I used Instagram because I had a friend that recommended it. It's pretty strange to see a image tribute to paris on a profile where all it normally shows is attractive women in bikinis. I eventually deleted the app because it was too much of a distraction and limited my attention span on bigger things. That kind of stuff concerns me, don't know if it is worth worrying about it or not.

Current mood: Thinkin' about stuff

12/31/2015 current events, multiple fuck ups, and orks.

Hiya everybody (all 3 of you) I took a small break from everything because of the holidays and an increasingly bad attitude I had for a few days. After buying Kharn the Betrayer and painting him the same shade of red as the rest of my 'zerkers I felt a great emptiness. An emptiness I have filled with orks. The sillier atmosphere they bring is much more charming to me, so I might donate my 'zerks to some GW regular. I got 10 things coming in the mail because of holiday money (which I'm very thankful I'm still getting). I ordered some chaos troopers and some BOYZ which hopefully the GW will accept either as a refund or simply a gift for a chaos player, I dont mind where they go as long as they are used. My berzerkers and 7 space marines and 4 terminators are also gonna have to get a new home. Also gotta pick up some orky paint.

My fight stick broke. So no new street fighter stories or rambles about female characters. I once got all platinum ranks in Bayonetta, it took me 30+ hours and I was gonna use the same save to try and get a hard play through and eventually work my way up to 100%ing the game, then I saved over it with a Jeanne save. Fucking kill me. Not much else going on besides that.

Current mood: regretful

12/22/2015 Bad at everything, Being a dick, Confusing Mahjong terms.

Still, after ten days from my last journal talking about this, there are no metal songs that are interesting. I keep trying to develop a taste for "screamo" or whatever the fuck its called and fail each time. Lately a pretty big joy in my life has been being a dick to people, it really shouldn't be but for some reason it feels good. I sound like an idiot for saying that but it's true, can't help it. I got a new computer for christmas, an early present but a nice one anyways. I haven't actually used a decent computer since around July so that will be nice. Went back down to the 1000-1500 range for USF4, been thinking about giving it up due to how fucking boring it's been. It's too easy to get big damage off of mindless shit. I would like to switch back to Third Strike but the up direction on my fight stick likes to go out these days, so I might have to blow some money on a new one since buying a new stick part didn't fix that (a buddy of mine said that the model is defunct., the SF4 madcatz one, might be.) but I'm not in the mood to spend money on anything important. I've been thinking alot about Mahjong, and have been playing it alot on my phone using the app "Mahjong D", a nice time waster. I always go for the quick Pon with any dragon and see how fast I can complete my hand. Or a Chitoitsu but I get discouraged too often and go for the toitoihou instead using pons. I learned all Mahjong skills from playing against AI so it might be interesting to actually play against real people someday, I learned from that and watching Akagi (which is very good by the way). Besides these mild woes I started watching Rowdy Sumo Wrestler Mastutaro. It's very Kinnikuman in tone and I like that.

Current mood: Agressive yet nihilistic

12/18/2015 Incomplete journaling, Bad at USF4, Mentioning Orks.

After a large losing streak for USF4 I am very discouraged to play again, from a whopping 2000 poins to 1300 it's a bit sad. I need to learn when to stop playing, since my losses actually matter opposed to Third Strike's online system. It feels like I almost don't understand the flow of the game, I dash early or having input errors and stuff like that. Maybe its the games fault, but it's just me not used to the game. Third Strikes flow was a lot more fast and I played that a lot more so it makes more sense to say that it's my fault rather than the game. In other news I looked into the Khorne Daemonkin Codex and got very interested in how it is going to play. I might check out the Ork Codex as well. I can't wait to have a full fledged army to battle dudes with.

12/14/2015 Poison's anatomy, Orks, and bad thoughts.

As the day goes on, and the matches were fought, I managed for the first time ever go past the 2000 Player Points mark on USF4 as Poison. Oh Poison, your suggestive nature and attractive body makes picking you as my main all the better. Oh how the bottom of your ass leaks out of your shorts, providing a nice view during certain moves, or your nicely sculpted breasts which are the perfect size: big, yet managableable, and your toned stomach and hips, the perfect width and the perfect tone to retain some sort of ladylike build. And yet some will taint your body with talk of having manhood, such a shame, such foolery, amazingly foolish. Oh what a lust I have for you. I shall sacrifice 80 of my hard earned dollars for a figure of you, you are perfect. Besides that I have been very interested in the fantasy race "Orks" of WH40k. I like how simple minded they are, and how they just poorly make everything, it adds a nice comedy element to the grimdark of WH40K. I especially enjoy how they are extremely satisfied with just being an ork, it's the simple joys. DATZ CUZ ORKS BE DA BIGGEST AN DA STRONGEST . I'm still gonna have a khorne army though, but I might get some orks just because I like them. I have yet to order a Kharn the Betrayer from my local games workshop, procrastination is a very easy sin to commit.

Theres this looming feeling of boredom lately. As if I'm just doing things to provide basic thrills and very little actual productivity, so I'm trying to work on my miniatures more and develop my technique for USF4. I honestly haven't had a conversation deeper than "did you see the thing?" for a few months now. My only friend moved out of state back in August, so I had to come out of my shell more to make up for the void. But, the void is filled with amazingly under-stimulating everything. It seems like nobody has anything interesting to say all the time, like everything they talk about is something kinda funny they saw or the current trendy topic like a music video or internet joke. Is this just how the everage person thinks? Is this what the average person enjoys and finds entertaining? Why can't I enjoy these simple highs? Am I different? Am I the same? Hopefully this pretentious thinking is wrong and I am just being stupid right now, I sound like a 13 year old's poem.

Current Mood: Horny, yet bored.

12/12/2015 Inability to like metal, beat of my heart, and sleepy thoughts

For about 2 weeks I've been trying to get into the music genre metal and it's various sub genres, but I can't seem to develop a taste for it. From popular bands to more obscure ones I always find it not to be hard enough, put into simple terms. The speed of the song is always lacking and the guitar sounds almost weak, I can't fully describe it but it just doesn't sound good to me. I was into a couple metal bands back in the day, them being Metallica (for the first 4 albums) and Heidevolk. They sound fast and hard, I can't seem to find anything close to them, for some reason. It's honestly been bothering me, maybe the fact I grew up with them makes me like them and anything new doesn't strike my brain the same. I always thought it was good to describe something that speaks to you as "It has the same beat as my drum.". A song that matches my beat was always Ganz Schmutzig - My Brain Chemicals Are Just Out Of Whack, it just makes me feel good whenever I listen to it even though it's a bit dark. Another track I always liked was Cheshyre's Crazy Clown of Death, It also just sort of makes me feel good, but also pretty dark. A music maker person guy that consistantly makes tracks that are good goes by the name MisterScoops. I found him when I was a youngin' and I liked him. Now I'm a little bit older and I like him.

Current mood: Dilusionally Tired

12/11/2015 Rage, Painting, and Embarrassing People.

Yesterday I held a conversation with someone that said that Madoka is better than Akira. I'm not one to get angry over peoples opinions it's just that AKIRA IS LITERALLY MORE COMPLEX THAN MADOKA IN EVERY WAY JESUS CHRIIIIIIIST HOW CAN YOU BE THIS STUPID OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD I AM STILL MAD. Besides becoming anger incarnate I painted one of my Khorne Berzerkers, standard Khorne red and that-one-gold color, along with abbadon black and leadbelcher for the weapons. Nothing to complicated but still a very nice outcome. I'm gonna try and get Kharn the Betrayer next. With Christmas coming soon I am very excited, it is my favorite holiday. I'm still very impressed with how embarressing some people can be, saying things like "Leave my presence human." as a joke is super dumb. How can these people function, how arn't they dead. Or having names like "Dank memes" on steam, amazingly bad. I hit the 1500 Player Points range on USF4 as Poison so which makes me feel pretty good. Everything is else right now is pretty boring, I feel like reclusing myself soon. I should upload some pictures soon

Current mood: Generally upset, but also a bit sad.

12/9/2015 Poison, Personal Questions, and Lazy jokes

I recently built my Khorne Berzerkers that were purchased from my local Games workshop. It was pretty fun to build them. Hopefully it will be equally fun to paint them. Also as of late my character of choice in Ultra Street Fighter 4 has been poison, her set ups are really good with H.QCF. My favorite set up is throwing out a fireball early so they hold block when it dissapears then going for a nuetral/forward grab. I'm still getting used to the systems that USF4 use, it's flow is very different than the other Street Fighter games I have played. The intiation question that I ask all males I befriend has always been "Which do you prefer, Tits or Ass?". If they pick one or the other they are normal people, if they refuse to answer it's a sign to keep an eye on them. It has worked perfectly so far. Everytime I hear a reference that could be replaced with an unique joke makes me extremely displeased. Especially if it's the current flavor of the month or overused to hell and back. It's just lazy and a poor excuse to make them seem funny by whoring themselves to the lowest of the low.

Current mood: Hungry

12/5/2015 - The art of combat (in video games), Warhammer 40k, and full sculpted nipples.

One of my favorite hobbys is playing video games, specifically 1v1 or free-for-all type games. My favorite multiplayer experiences come from Quake 3 and Street Fighter 3 Third strike. Both games are fairly fast and very fun. I've been playing FPS's and fighting games since since an early age so they tend to feel more natural. What lots of people don't understand is how important prediction is in these games, and assume that it's just lightning fast reaction times. An example of this in Quake 3 would be being able to gauge the general speed of a player and combine this with the noise of a door opening that you know the location of. Using these two factors you can hit him before you see him given practice. Shoot where they are going and not where they are. Another example would be in Third strike is understanding what is the best option for a character in the situation and parrying/counter attacking accordingly. If someone techs a grab it sets them at the perfect distance to jump so its not unlikely for a Urien player to throw a Medium Metallic Sphere. Just think of what you would do in that situation and do the worst thing your opponent could do in that situation. Of course this isn't the only factor that makes a good player, just one that people don't ever think about. Evo moment 37? Just Prediction and pattern memorization, nothing too absurdly skillful.

Recently I've been very interested in the world of Warhammer 40000. I was very into in some years ago, but in a "oh thats neat" kind of way. I want to get a Khorne army going, a team of brutal thrill seekers rushing down their opponents with great speed and ruthlessness is something I can get into. This is going to be a spendy hobby though, not the first under my belt but more daunting then the others. With one squad of more rushdown orientated characters of 12 being 40 USD, a standard squad of 5 being 25 USD, and a commander for this being another 20 USD, totalling at a 85 dollars plus the 30 dollar rule book and team specific rule book at the same price gives me a playable team of 17 at 145 dollars (thats three figures!). Now that i think about it thats roughly the same price as a pvc cast off figure (with fully sculpted nipples), or a couple gundams so maybe it's not too serious.

Current mood: BLOOD THIRSTY but also a little Lascivious

12/2/2015 - Genesis, Small thoughts, and Cold Weather.

I started a website. Not for any perticular reason just sounded fun. Might order some figures in a while. Bought some paint and glue from my local Games workshop. It's very cold.